Don't Miss the Ride: Tips on Enjoying the Now
Put me in the car, complete silence and let me dream. It’s where I thrive. It’s where my thoughts seem to be clear. It’s where the Lord and I seem to communicate about future plans. We chat about how to get to where He is taking me. It’s the very place I dream and boy do I dream big. I guess it’s prophetic to say the least, in a car, looking out the window as things swiftly pass by, not worrying about what tomorrow holds. The destination isn’t even my focus, just the journey to get there.
The journey is often times overlooked in our cultural minds. We are very destination focus. What am I going to do with my life? Where am I going to work next? How many kids do I want? Our minds swiftly goes to solid destinations, but what if we stoped and enjoyed the journey? Could it be, that the destination is in the Lords hands anyway? What about all the days leading up to the birth of your child? What about all the days in high school that is shaping you for college? You see we can go on a rabbit race and long for the finish line. Where does that often time get us? In a land of negativity and not being content. We live the "what if" or "but" life. If I were in college I would be happy. If I had a new car I would be satisfied.
Can I let you in on a little secret? Until you learn to enjoy the journey you are NEVER going to be satiated. Those looking for fulfillment in the destinations of life will ALWAYS be looking for more destinations. Always having a "but if". Don't let the devil convince you that the world's view on life is correct. Don't fall into the trap any longer. Learn to enjoy each day that is ultimately getting you to a destination the Lord has set out before you. We are called to “ enjoy the ride” [ pun intended]. So today, enjoy whatever journey you are on, no matter the destination. There is beauty in today. Your journey is uniquely yours my friend.
I always like to leave you with challenges, so here are a few to help you shift your mindset from destination focused to the journey set before you:
1. Find three things that are thankful for in every single day.
2. Have a dream board, them make steps to get there. Having a plan to get to a destination allows you to enjoy the journey of getting there.
3. Don't put stipulation on your situation before you change it. Take responsibility and with Jesus work on yourself now. There is no need to say things like " I will do better when..." or " I will be happier when...". That is far from the truth. The betterment of tomorrow depends on your effort today.
I would love to know how the challenges have helped you in your journey! Comment or message me your testimonies!!!
Much Love,
Jenna Atchley
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