Jesus is a whole lot nicer than we make Him out to be. Yep. I said it. You can call it my opinion if you want to. Religion has crippled the image of grace and Grace Himself. Religion says “Don’t have sex until you’re married. Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t steal” focusing on all the things we “shouldn’t” do. Why in the world would the world want to join us? Just following a bunch of rules.
Grace says “we don’t do these things because we love the Lord and He is our best friend. If/When we do mess up, He loves me unconditionally and convicts me not of my sin, but of my righteousness.” Religion kicks people out a church congregation. Religion controls the ones around them. Religion follows a bunch of rules. Ultimately religion crucified Jesus Himself.
Time to fast forward on this tangent of mine. Breaking news, Jesus is full of grace and mercy. He loves unconditionally. That means without condition. He loves you through your sin. You can be a Christian, and sin, and the Lord still LOVES you through it all. He wants to be your best friend. The Holy Spirit wants to work through you. Jesus wants you to experience Heaven on earth. He lives inside you. So my friends, the question is.. when is the church going to paint a better picture than a Sunday service? When is the church going to move into the market place just as Jesus Himself did? Luke 10: 9 says " Say to them, ' The Kingdom of God has come near to you'". In the book Prayer Evangelism Ed Silvoso makes a profound statement "Please notice that we are not instructed to bring them into the Kingdom; we are to take the Kingdom to them." This means church [Christians], we have to break outside the Sunday service, our religious mindsets of perfection, and do something. That something is taking the Holy Spirit inside of you to the lost. That is how we paint a better picture of Jesus. This is how the Kingdom of God is taken to them.... it happens outside the church walls. I am in no way down playing the importance of the church. What I am saying is that our prospective needs to change. We can't expect the lost to come to us, we have to go to them. This comes through simply loving people. Loving them with no hidden agendas. Seeing them for who God created the to be!

I always love to leave with a challenge or two, not just for you, but for myself as well. Here are some practical steps that I am working on and I would greatly appreciate hearing yours as well:

Time to fast forward on this tangent of mine. Breaking news, Jesus is full of grace and mercy. He loves unconditionally. That means without condition. He loves you through your sin. You can be a Christian, and sin, and the Lord still LOVES you through it all. He wants to be your best friend. The Holy Spirit wants to work through you. Jesus wants you to experience Heaven on earth. He lives inside you. So my friends, the question is.. when is the church going to paint a better picture than a Sunday service? When is the church going to move into the market place just as Jesus Himself did? Luke 10: 9 says " Say to them, ' The Kingdom of God has come near to you'". In the book Prayer Evangelism Ed Silvoso makes a profound statement "Please notice that we are not instructed to bring them into the Kingdom; we are to take the Kingdom to them." This means church [Christians], we have to break outside the Sunday service, our religious mindsets of perfection, and do something. That something is taking the Holy Spirit inside of you to the lost. That is how we paint a better picture of Jesus. This is how the Kingdom of God is taken to them.... it happens outside the church walls. I am in no way down playing the importance of the church. What I am saying is that our prospective needs to change. We can't expect the lost to come to us, we have to go to them. This comes through simply loving people. Loving them with no hidden agendas. Seeing them for who God created the to be!

I always love to leave with a challenge or two, not just for you, but for myself as well. Here are some practical steps that I am working on and I would greatly appreciate hearing yours as well:
- Praying over your neighborhood. This doesn't mean you have to walk up to their door. You can start out by just blessing them with your prayers!
- Eat with people, spend time with people outside your comfortable circle.
- When you see someone in the grocery store that needs help, put your agenda to the side and help them.
- Pray over the sick with the power of the Holy Spirit inside you.
- Share Jesus in your workplace. This doesn't always mean talking about Jesus, a lot of times its being Jesus to your coworkers that ultimately lead them to Him.
- Just love life my friends, the joy that radiates from you will radiate the room! People can tell the difference I promise!
Now my friends, let's go change the world! Let's band together to disrupt the norm that surrounds us!
So thankful God loves me so unconditionally!!!!!!
DeleteI love this so much! Grace vs. Religion. This essential understanding is so beautiful at its core. Needed the reminder <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment and encouragement!!!