The Mystery is Over! Our One Year Journey of Breaking Out of The Box.
This past year of my life to some have been a mystery, to others it has been confusing, and to a select few ( very select) it has been a time of cheering me on. You see sometimes in life you have to stiff arm the haters and keep on moving. Frankly, most of the haters are not actually haters, they are just living in fear of the unknown. I want to start out by thanking those that thought I was a train wreck. Thank you to those that told us ( my husband and I) we were making the biggest mistake of our lives. Thank you to those that said we would come running back for help. Thank you. I sincerely mean it from the bottom of my heart. It grew me in ways I otherwise would not have grown.
If you have zero idea what I am talking about, buckle up your seatbelt you are in for a journey. This may be a super long blog post ( I am going to try not to make it a book long, shhhh!!!... that will come later), and I am ok with that. Why? I want you to hear this story, my story. I want to give you hope and hopefully inspire you. I want you to see the Glory of the Lord shine. I want you to see just how the Lord fights your battles for you. The only thing I had to do (which was super hard) was keep my big mouth shut.
Without further ado, let's get into this mysterious journey of mine.
Let's start October 2017, my husband and I was living our lives...which everyone thought was our best life. We were youth pastors at a local church, I was a nanny with a mechanical engineering degree ( that reasoning is for a different blog post) and he was an accountant at a local nursing home. We had our lives planned out to a tee. I had just inherited my grandfather farm. We were doing good...on the outside that is. On the inside our marriage was failing. We were both unhappy. If I am being completely honest, I was tired of sitting on a church pew. I knew there had to be more to this life. We were going through the motions just trying to get by. We were living a fake life ( Which is why I am determined to be vulnerable) outside our home. We became really great actors.
A church in town contacted us about being a part of a revival that would be held at a different church around town each night. At this point, what the heck could it hurt. So we talked to our head pastor and decided to jump all in.
A few weeks went by, we met the guys that were going to be preaching at this revival and then the revival came. The guys began to challenge our own beliefs. The very first night we saw a healing before our eyes. At this point in our journey we had been told ( first mistake, learn for yourself) that it was not biblical and that God could heal but He would heal in His own timing. We were told that this must have been staged.
I honestly, was so confused. It was as if tug a war was being played and I was the dang rope. One person would answer my question one way and another person would answer the question another way. Miracles continued to happen throughout this revival. I was being stretch more than I ever had in my life. Why? I can answer that for you. I had always relied on others to teach me what to believe and never figured it out on my own and for myself.
I can remember this defining moment like it was yesterday, it gives me chills typing it. I was an altar worker for this particular night. My duty was to pray for those that came to the altar. The service came to an end and the worship band began to play "Reckless Love". I started to weep. I am an altar worker I can't go pray ( the dang devil is real my friends). So I stood there a little longer until I couldn't take it anymore. I got on my knees before the Lord and I remember my EXACT prayer. I said "Jesus, if all of this stuff is real take me over. Take me over from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Take me over. I know out of anyone You know whats real." I stood up and immediately was asked to go pray for someone ( my duty), so I began walking to the back of the church. A stranger ( Literally not even from the same state) stopped Ryan and I in our tracks. He began prophesying over our lives. A word of encouragement. To our surprise he hit the nail on the head about our lives, our personalities, and what were were going through. This guy didn't even know our names. The Power of God showed up that night. That very moment forever changed my life. I am leaving out a lot of details for the sake of time, but Jesus immediately answered my prayer.
I got home that night and the Lord spoke to me so clearly and said " Go". That is all He said to me. I asked a lot of questions in my heart but I thought deep down He just meant leave the church we were currently at. I knew we couldn't stay because our beliefs were slowly changing. I didn't think too much about it until the next day the Lord said " You are going with them. The guys." I immediately flipped out in denial and said absolutely not. I remember saying if You really want us to drop everything and go you are going to have to make this thing super clear. The next day a friend of mine text me and said "I don't know why, but I feel like I am suppose to ask if I can fundraise for you"............................ Stuff like this continued to happen. I told my husband and he was 100% against it. He was so ready for the guys to leave and things to settle down again. I prayed one last prayer about it. It was at 1 o clock in the morning a day or two after the revival had ended. Lord, if this is really you have Ryan ( one of the guys that preached) call me and say ____________ . I gave the Lord an entire conversation we would have. At 1:28am I look at my phone and seen "Ryan" on the screen. He was calling me. He said exactly what I had just prayed. I promise you I could not make this story up if I tried. The next day Ryan ( my husband) came on board with the idea because the Lord spoke to him at work. We resigned from our church on Halloween. We resigned from our others jobs, found people to take our dogs. We left with guys we didn't even know the day after thanksgiving 2017.
We had family members tell us we were joining a cult. We had people tell us they were out to get our money. We had people showing up on our doorstep telling us not to go and to stick to our denominational truths. We had christians tells us it was the worst mistake of our lives. We were dumb. We were stupid. If you can think it we probably heard it.

Let me you tell you something my friends. This past year was the best year of my entire life. My heart for Jesus grew tremendously. The Lord provided for us in supernatural ways. We saw healings. We saw people set free. We saw souls saved. People were baptized in the Holy Spirit. People were delivered. We experienced Jesus in new ways. We learned what a real authentic relationship with Jesus actually is. We learned just how religious we were. Jesus set us free. Saved our marriage. Gave us the best friends in the entire world.
To all of you who doubted, its ok, at times I did too. To those warning us not to leave our denominational beliefs. I am sorry, but that is exactly what we did. Allowing our selves the true freedom we needed to learn for ourselves. To those thinking we were crazy, we still are. To those wondering why we did what we did...Jesus. To the very few who cheered us on, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your prayers and encouragement got us through some of the toughest days. To those we met along the journey, thank you for welcoming us, encouraging us, and being a strangers friend!
If I only lived one year of my life I would choose this one a million times over.
My friends I always leave you with a challenge:
Listen to the Lords voice over all the racket.
Rely on Him. His promises are Yes and Amen.
You will never go wrong listening to the voice of the very One who created you.
Much Love,
Jenna Atchley
If you have zero idea what I am talking about, buckle up your seatbelt you are in for a journey. This may be a super long blog post ( I am going to try not to make it a book long, shhhh!!!... that will come later), and I am ok with that. Why? I want you to hear this story, my story. I want to give you hope and hopefully inspire you. I want you to see the Glory of the Lord shine. I want you to see just how the Lord fights your battles for you. The only thing I had to do (which was super hard) was keep my big mouth shut.
Without further ado, let's get into this mysterious journey of mine.

A church in town contacted us about being a part of a revival that would be held at a different church around town each night. At this point, what the heck could it hurt. So we talked to our head pastor and decided to jump all in.
A few weeks went by, we met the guys that were going to be preaching at this revival and then the revival came. The guys began to challenge our own beliefs. The very first night we saw a healing before our eyes. At this point in our journey we had been told ( first mistake, learn for yourself) that it was not biblical and that God could heal but He would heal in His own timing. We were told that this must have been staged.
I honestly, was so confused. It was as if tug a war was being played and I was the dang rope. One person would answer my question one way and another person would answer the question another way. Miracles continued to happen throughout this revival. I was being stretch more than I ever had in my life. Why? I can answer that for you. I had always relied on others to teach me what to believe and never figured it out on my own and for myself.

I got home that night and the Lord spoke to me so clearly and said " Go". That is all He said to me. I asked a lot of questions in my heart but I thought deep down He just meant leave the church we were currently at. I knew we couldn't stay because our beliefs were slowly changing. I didn't think too much about it until the next day the Lord said " You are going with them. The guys." I immediately flipped out in denial and said absolutely not. I remember saying if You really want us to drop everything and go you are going to have to make this thing super clear. The next day a friend of mine text me and said "I don't know why, but I feel like I am suppose to ask if I can fundraise for you"............................ Stuff like this continued to happen. I told my husband and he was 100% against it. He was so ready for the guys to leave and things to settle down again. I prayed one last prayer about it. It was at 1 o clock in the morning a day or two after the revival had ended. Lord, if this is really you have Ryan ( one of the guys that preached) call me and say ____________ . I gave the Lord an entire conversation we would have. At 1:28am I look at my phone and seen "Ryan" on the screen. He was calling me. He said exactly what I had just prayed. I promise you I could not make this story up if I tried. The next day Ryan ( my husband) came on board with the idea because the Lord spoke to him at work. We resigned from our church on Halloween. We resigned from our others jobs, found people to take our dogs. We left with guys we didn't even know the day after thanksgiving 2017.
We had family members tell us we were joining a cult. We had people tell us they were out to get our money. We had people showing up on our doorstep telling us not to go and to stick to our denominational truths. We had christians tells us it was the worst mistake of our lives. We were dumb. We were stupid. If you can think it we probably heard it.

Let me you tell you something my friends. This past year was the best year of my entire life. My heart for Jesus grew tremendously. The Lord provided for us in supernatural ways. We saw healings. We saw people set free. We saw souls saved. People were baptized in the Holy Spirit. People were delivered. We experienced Jesus in new ways. We learned what a real authentic relationship with Jesus actually is. We learned just how religious we were. Jesus set us free. Saved our marriage. Gave us the best friends in the entire world.
To all of you who doubted, its ok, at times I did too. To those warning us not to leave our denominational beliefs. I am sorry, but that is exactly what we did. Allowing our selves the true freedom we needed to learn for ourselves. To those thinking we were crazy, we still are. To those wondering why we did what we did...Jesus. To the very few who cheered us on, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your prayers and encouragement got us through some of the toughest days. To those we met along the journey, thank you for welcoming us, encouraging us, and being a strangers friend!
If I only lived one year of my life I would choose this one a million times over.
My friends I always leave you with a challenge:
Listen to the Lords voice over all the racket.
Rely on Him. His promises are Yes and Amen.
You will never go wrong listening to the voice of the very One who created you.
Much Love,
Jenna Atchley
Very well said so Glad God help you each step of the way.
ReplyDeleteI love this!!! There is so much hope and encouragement throughout it! ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteWow!!! I am at a lose for words as I sit here in tears after reading your blog. God has given you a gift girl. May God continue to Bless You and your husband Ryan wherever he leads your footsteps.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!