Common LIES that we are believing!

Let me explain it to you by giving you an example. An ungodly belief cycle happens like this:
1. An experience forms a belief -> 2. belief causes an expectation ->3. an expectation governs a behavior -> 4. then the behavior reenforces the experience.
Often times we use one experience to form this cycle that feels right but actually it’s binding us to our past. The cycle seems right in our head because remember we are comfortable with what we can see or have seen. So we cling to an experience that happened years ago and allow it to make our decisions for us.
For example: 1. A girl gets stood up on her first date -> 2. She forms a belief that she isn’t good enough to be loved -> 3. She expects to be rejected by guys in her life -> 4. She then puts every guy into the friend zone-> 1. ( again) This reenforces the experience of not going on a date.
This whole cycle began by one bad experience and if not broken, it could continue the rest of her life. Why? Because her beliefs dictate her actions. So since she is acting out the fear or rejection it causes her to continue to be rejected.
Ungodly belief cycles can be formed by a number of things. Can you think of one that is going on in your life? When I walked through this I sure did! I had more than I ever imagined!
Where ungodly beliefs come from:
- Life Experiences:
Example: Your dad not showing up to your basketball games.
- Family Heritage:
Example: Everyone in your family is divorced.
- Repetition: Example:
Example: An experience that continues to have the same outcome
- Negative Thinking/ Self Talk:
Example: Telling yourself you are not good enough.
- The World: Example:
Example:How the world paints beauty.
Now that you have stopped to examine your past and inner thought life what do you do? How do you exit these crazy cycles? You want the ungodly belief cycle to turn into a Godly one!
You pray, forgive and repent ( turn away from). Breaking this cycle and experiencing freedom!
Here is a prayer you can speak out loud through each cycle that you have obtained over the years.
I choose to forgive _____ ( people who contributed to the experience) for ______ ( the experience). I release you from my judgment and give you to God. I repent and ask you to forgive me Lord for receiving this ungodly belief. Lord, bring your healing touch to the hurt in my heart that led to my believing this lie.
Once you do this you have something else to do. Take captive every thought. Once you find yourself thinking the negative cycle thoughts you speak the opposite over yourself! You can do it!! Once you do you will not regret it!!!
Let me give you an example using the example of the girl. She could say " I am worthy to be loved. I am enough. I am beautiful."
There is an amazing amount of freedom that can come through doing this! I would love to walk with you through this healing journey! I have a list of examples that could help you on this freedom journey! Just email me and I will be in contact with you!
Here are the challenges I will leave you with:
1. Schedule some alone time with you and Jesus.
2. Go through the list and write down any experiences that could have formed an ungodly belief in your life. The Holy Spirit will begin to remind you of them.
3. Say the prayer and renounce them!
4. Take captive every thought!
5. As always DECLARATIONS!
Much Love,
Jenna Atchley
P.S. Thank you so much to Covenant Life in Chickamauga, GA for allowing me to attend your amazing classes!
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