Don't Let 2018 Make Your 2019 Goals Smaller

It is a new year and with that we all get anxious and society pressures us into New Year's resolutions. I personally hate the word resolution because to me it holds the past over your head. I am all for learning from mistakes, but heck, I leave them behind me and move on. I am more of a New Year goal setting type girl. Goals are steps toward a dream and we all know by now I am all for dreaming and dreaming big. What I am even more passionate about is seeing people reach their dreams and setting goals along the way to get there.

I have recently been observing conversations ,because I am a creep like that,  and I have found that many of you are actually scared to make goals for 2019. The reasons are many and I am not going to even make it out like I know everything. There is a common reason that reoccurs and it is" Why would I set myself up for failure." If this is you girl, I am right there with you. Trust me!!! I understand where you are coming from. BUT...........

Don’t let 2018 make your 2019 dreams smaller. Don’t let who you were affect who you are going to be. Don’t let unmet goals scare you into not making new ones. Don’t look back and fear it will repeat. As Bob Goff so wisely says " Quit letting who you were talk you out of who you're becoming." Just because 2018 had some unmet goals doesn't mean that is a bad thing! It means you are human! Surprise or not God isn't offended by your humanity and you shouldn't be either!!

Stiff arm the haters, ok not really, but you get the point. Claim your identity the Lord freely gave you. Walk in it. Don’t let the world define who you are and what you should look like. Take on 2019 like the victor that you already are! Let’s do this thing arm-in-arm, linking together to create a community that cheers each other on. A community that’s safe to be who you are. A community that chooses love over judgment. A community that gives out grace like its chocolate.

I will leave you with a few challenges:

1.  Set goals for yourself. Whether they be monthly or for the entire year, WRITE them down! Do it scared or even annoyed if you have to.

2. Don't compare your past failures to the new year. You are more than capable for becoming a better version of yourself. That is not going to happen until you lay your old self down!

3. Success isn't defined by the completion of a goal. It is defined by the journey it takes to get there!

4. Forgive yourself and move on! It is ok to fail and fall short. Remember you are human!

5. Look at 2019 and know you are already a victor!!!

Much Love,
Jenna Atchley 


  1. I'm in all in. I have set some goals and I am determined to work at them whether I accomplish all of them or not. God is in control and He loves and He wants me succeed!

  2. I have set a goal also and I know God will help me see it through !!! Great Read you did a good job!!


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